Today was an ideal day to be outside! I had moved out of my bed and onto my couch pretty early and could see the rays of light beaming through my windows. I knew it was going to be a beautiful day and could not stand sitting on my couch for the remainder of it. So, around 2, I decided to make  a move and head to Village Creek. I had a worm tied on and was planning on catching some bass, but it really would not of bothered me if I came up empty handed. The sun was shining, the water was the right temperature, and it was the perfect place to be! The fish were not to worried about what I was throwing due to the creek being plentiful with dragon flies. No fish to be caught but still had a great day on the water.




So last weekend I had a college tournament and a Triangle Tailchasers and they were on the same day. I got to work it out where I could fish both. I met up with the college teams and after we all arrived I headed to meet Chad to launch. We pushed off the bank around 6:20 and made our way back into the marsh. The first pond we arrived to Chad makes a quick hook set into a smaller red that he snagged on a topwater. Not long after that I hang into a small 16” rat red. We fish all around the first pond and then move back to the bigger one. After fishing for a little while I hear a redfish crashing along the bank. I make a short paddle and come around to a small pocket. I cast right in the middle of it, make a pop with my cork, and see a “V” pushing through the water coming directly at my cork. I tighten the line and get ready because I already knew what was about to ensue. I set the hook before the cork even went under and the fight was on. Get her to the boat and she was 26” and weighing 6.5 lbs on the Boga grips. Perfect for both tournaments. Not long after I hear Chad yelling, he is hooked up with a fish too. His went 25.5” and right around 6 lbs.  Awesome, just need one more for our third fish for the money tournament. I guess it was around 4 hours later and not a bite, both of us are just hoping for another fish. Stu texted me with an update of how him and Willie were doing and as soon as look down and then back up, my cork was gone. I quickly real in the slack and set the hook and my drag starts screaming! After about 10 seconds of fighting this fish I realize that she is going to be to big for the money tourney, but ideal for the college one. I get her in the boat and she measures 30.5”, a stud fish! I get a few pictures and the a quick release. Then maybe 10 cast after that I hang into another red that for sure would have been a money fish and would have put us in better standings than just the 2 fish we had. After her first good run the line on my hook decides to break and leaves one very disappointed fisherman. Anyways that was the last bite we had and was forced to go to the weigh in with 2 fish. I believe we placed 15 out of 25 boats, but a third fish would of been great to have. With our 2 fish we weighed in 12 lbs 12 oz.. Not bad for 2 fish. For our college tournament, Lamar will take our third win and will seal us a spot for the national championship in Biloxi. Great day of fishing. 



I have been to the marsh a few times and the red fish are stacked in there. The baby shad are moving in thick and the predator fish can not resist! I still have yet to catch some trout but I know they are there. I just have yet to find the tide and bite time to be right when I am available to get to them. Soon though!




Regardless of what is going on in your life at the moment, take a minute to stop and look around. No matter what the conditions are, to windy, being overcast, to cold or hot, problems at work, or whatever it may be. Find something in that day that makes you happy and brings joy to yourself and others. I think thats what life is all about, bringing joy to others and being happy and carefree during the rest of it. In my opinion, if you do that, then mission accomplished.

Enjoy Life